Research opportunities

Over 100 investigators are already collaborating on C4R. If you are already an established investigator with one of the 14 cohorts, the first step will be to reach out to that cohort to learn more about opportunities. 

C4R welcomes manuscript and ancillary study proposals that seek to answer questions relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.


The C4R Publications & Presentations (P&P) policy is available for download below, along with the C4R Common Proposal Form. The C4R P&P Subcommittee will review proposals for potential overlap. For pre-submission inquiries, please contact [email protected]

C4R PP Policies 21Apr2022.pdf


Interested in submitting a proposal using C4R data? Please visit: to submit the C4R Common Proposal Form via REDCap. 



An ancillary study includes:

  • A project that collects new data in C4R, whether directly from participants or from previously collected samples, images, or other sources (e.g., medical records).
  • A project that analyzes existing C4R data as part of a new external funding application.

All ancillary studies will be reviewed by C4R Cohort Coordinating Committee (CCC) as well as component cohort AS committees. If you would like to propose an ancillary study for C4R, please contact us at [email protected] for a consultation.

Many C4R investigators lead T32 training grants, including one at the Columbia University Data Coordinating and Harmonization Center ( Please contact us for inquiries regarding these opportunities at [email protected].